Richard is a talented full time artist, who loves painting and teaching.

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with Richard Robinson
Building a painting style usually happens very slowly over time as you develop your preferences for subject, media, surface, design, colour and texture.
You can spend years developing these preferences OR you can take the fast track.
You can actually reverse engineer your preferences from styles you love that have already been developed, much like Artificial Intelligence can harness multiple styles to create new and innovative artworks. With this guided course you can find your true style, fast.
19min video lesson.
30-120min Playtime.
The latest developments in Artificial Intelligence (AI) change everything for artists. Learn to harness the power of AI to pinpoint and define the styles that inspire you the most.
23min video lesson.
60min Playtime.
Discover WHY a particular style inspires you. What makes a style a style? The AI we talked about earlier breaks style down into multi-dimensional data spaces. Tricky! We are meat bags, so we’re going to keep it simple and use just 3 elements of style: Design, Colour, Texture.
27min video demonstration.
1-3hr Playtime.
The time honoured tradition of copying master works is still a fantastic learning tool, and a great way to really understand a painter’s style.
20min video demonstration.
1-3hr Playtime.
“Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.” Salvador Dali
What that means is that to become a great artist you need to take what you like from the styles around you and own them - make them yours by using them in a way that is uniquely you. Today, we're just going to borrow.
22min video demonstration.
1-3hr Playtime.
It’s said that “Good artists borrow, while great artists steal.”
Now you’re going to steal a style. You’re going to make it yours by merging it with some of the elements of your own style.
41min video demonstration.
1-3hr Platime.
Don’t have any style elements of your own? Or maybe you do but you just want to give this a shot, because it’s really cool to see the FrankenStyle result of stitching two styles together and hitting it with a bolt of creativity. It’s ALIVE! All going well, the results will be magical, not monstrous.
37min video demonstration.
1-3hr Playtime.
You’ll be amazed at how quickly your style will grow into something that you are really excited about.
10min video.
1-3hr Playtime.
Your brain will bubble at the current state of AI and how artists can now use it to expand their art.
Find an AI painting generator online on your device or computer.
Have fun with it and make a note of any ideas you have to have it help with your art.
5min video.
Now that you've found your style, where to next?
The fine balance of satisfaction for artists.
Sharing your art to inspire others.
30 Printable Pages : 30mb PDF
I want you to find real painting freedom so I’m giving you some special gifts if you join this course today. You'll get 3 of my most popular courses...
Part of finding your own style is understanding how other styles work. By far, two of the most popular artists in the last hundred years with beautiful painterly styles are John Singer Sargent and Joaquin Sorolla. These two classes teach you how to paint in both these classic styles.
Perhaps you’re not ready just yet to paint like Sargent or Sorolla, because those are intermediate to advanced level courses. If so, take this 1 hour Oil Painting Basics course to get you started (also good for acrylics).
One of the main benefits of painting is that it gets you in that timeless creative mind state, very much like meditation. Sometimes you get so busy with other stuff it’s hard to calm down into the creative mode though, and that’s why I built this guided meditation to take you into that space, to be totally present, letting go of everything else, and tuned in for a beautiful painting session.
Most professional artists I know use a glass palette in the studio. They’re so easy to scrape clean. Add to that my printable palette underlay and you’ve got yourself a top of the line professional palette that you can use to get your values right every time (this is one of the biggest keys to painting well), and you’ve also got a handy reminder of the the colour wheel right there where you need it.
One of the most important things that keeps people painting is feedback and encouragement from other people. Sometimes all it takes is one person saying 'hey I like that, good job', to spur you in to starting your next painting.
That’s why I’m also giving you Access to our private members page on Facebook where you can post your work and get advice and encouragement from other students including myself.
If you take the course and don’t enjoy it or just want a refund for any reason at all, it’s very easy you just email me and say hey I’d like a refund and I say absolutely, here you go. No questions, no problem.
So if you’re ready to save yourself years and years of struggle and find your own unique painting style in 7 days, I’m looking forward to teaching you on the other side. Just click the button to get started! Let’s go!
Whenever you’re ready! The lesson is available online any time, and your access to the lesson never expires.
As long as you need! Your access never expires, so you can come back again and again.
Sorry, no you can’t download the video. This is to avoid piracy. You’ll always be able to view the video on this site though.
Richard is a talented full time artist, who loves painting and teaching.
Hi I’m Richard. I’ve been painting my whole life and back in 2001 I traded my graphic design career for the humble life of a full time artist. I love painting, and as it turns out, I love teaching too.
Nowadays I balance my life between parenting, painting, surfing, travelling and teaching. My work is regularly featured in international art magazines, in galleries in New Zealand and America, on TV and in my Mum’s house.
I give outdoor painting workshops in interesting spots around this beautiful planet of ours and love encouraging people to paint. Two of my favourite artists are John Singer Sargent and Joaquín Sorolla.
My painting website: www.nzpainter.com
I’d love to be your new teacher.
Richard is a master artist with an exceptional skill in identifying and communicating key factors to making successful paintings. I have found his video workshops an excellent resource for improving my own work.
16x18" Acrylic on Canvas
Master Copy after Peter Pharoah
View the original at https://peterpharoah.com
12x12" Acrylic on Canvas
Not loving your painting lessons? No worries!
If it’s not the right fit, we’ll give you a full refund within 30 days of purchase - no questions asked.
When you purchase a DVD you also get online access to the same lesson, including any lesson resources like photos, downloadable notes and access to upload your painting to the student gallery.
That's why you need to make a password when you purchase a DVD, so you can access the online content as well. Enjoy!