Richard is a talented full time artist, who loves painting and teaching.

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with Richard Robinson
Follow me step by step as I show you the techniques I use to paint this complex street Italian scene. Glowing light, reflected light, sky shine, perspective drawing and figure painting are all demonstrated in the video. Enjoy!
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Richard is a talented full time artist, who loves painting and teaching.
Hi I’m Richard. I’ve been painting my whole life and back in 2001 I traded my graphic design career for the humble life of a full time artist. I love painting, and as it turns out, I love teaching too.
Nowadays I balance my life between parenting, painting, surfing, travelling and teaching. My work is regularly featured in international art magazines, in galleries in New Zealand and America, on TV and in my Mum’s house.
I give outdoor painting workshops in interesting spots around this beautiful planet of ours and love encouraging people to paint. Two of my favourite artists are John Singer Sargent and Joaquín Sorolla.
My painting website: www.nzpainter.com
I’d love to be your new teacher.
Richard is a master artist with an exceptional skill in identifying and communicating key factors to making successful paintings. I have found his video workshops an excellent resource for improving my own work.
"Streets of Vernazza" 14x17" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson.
"Streets of Vernazza 2" 14" Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson.
"Bellagio" 16x12" Oil on Canvas by Dan Johnson
Hi Dan. very strong drawing in this, and your colours are great, and you've especially made a good job of the glowing light along the front of the building on the right by lightening and warming all the darks. Good job! If I could make one suggestion I would just add a little stronger and sharper details to the facades on the left which seem too indistinct compared to the crispness of the buildings across the street. The soft edge you've made around the shadowed building doesn't make visual sense when the sunlit buildings further back are in sharper focus.
"Streets of Vernazza" 9x12" Acrylic on Canvas by Cristina Mihailescu
Beautiful rosy colours in here Cristina. Your dark shadows have gone really black unfortunately which sucks some light and chance for more colour from the painting. That could just be the digital image of it here though. It's interesting how a slight change in perspective has made this look like an entirely different street with the archway seen front on and the tops of the buildings drawn less steep. Not better or worse I think, just different. I like the addition of the planter box flowers too. I remember overhearing a tourist guide in Assissi saying that many of those plants are there more to ward off mosquitoes than to look beautiful, but I'm glad they do both. Your central figure is beautifully painted and I think I prefer your table and chair to mine with the flowers and glinting objects on it. Interesting how much you blurred the edges of the red banner in there when the surrounding edges are quite sharp but I suppose it lends some movement to it. Your glowing interior lights are really well done going through the spectrum of yellow orange red as they do, but rendered loosely (like a pro!).
"Dor's Street in Vernazza" 14x17" Oil on Canvas by Dorian Aronson
Some good work here Dorian, the drawing particularly with the majority of the building angles looking good and the central figure is great. Most of the greys in the mid tones have been dealt with nicely but perhaps the blues have taken over too much in the darks. The yellow pants on the left could do with toning down a little compared to the depth of shadow they are currently in. There is some trouble with the clump of figures in the middle who are blurry and have their feet too far down the canvas - actually in line with the feet of the green skirted woman, which is making them look like ghostly hobbits. It's a good lesson to triple check the relative positions of heads and feet in a scene with multiple figures.
"The street of Stockholm with Italian restaurant" 40x50cm Oil on Canvas by Elena Sokolova
Good on you for using a different street scene Elena. You've done some subtle work with the glow from the sky quietly affecting the buildings. Was that glazed/scumbled over the top with white and blue? It looks very even and subtle for alla prima work. You've spent considerable time getting the drawing correct and that's paid off. The highlight of this painting for me is the subtlety of the tower - so close to the value of the sky it's nearly lost - not an easy thing to do. As for the composition I feel like the cafe needs a bit more space, which could be taken from the right hand side of the painting as if the viewer just turned their gaze to the left slightly. The cafe with its colourful awnings and flag is the more interesting side of the street so why not focus on that? I suppose it has a lot to do with the photograph to begin with.
"Italian Village" 9x12" Oil on Canvas by Olivia O'Carra
You've got a lovely fluid feeling to a lot of the brushwork in this painting Olivia. Perhaps you could have ironed out a few more of the wobbles in the archway and the shadows on the pavement though. You've exaggerated the blue glow from the top even further than I did which is good but you're also breaking the spell a little with some of the brownish windows extending up into the blue. With that strong a glow those browns should be more in the bluish realm. Your colour work overall is really rich in variety which is great to see although the darkest darks are tending to black too much which sucks some colour and life from the painting. Overall it's a very pleasing painting.
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