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Painting Tip : Painting on Gray Days

September 27, 2018
By Richard Robinson
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Hi guys, if you've ever looked out on a gray day and been at a loss for painting subjects, this one's for you. Gray days have a few strong advantages over sunny days:

1. The local colour of your objects are more easily seen and the lights are not blasted out by the sunlight which allows for richer colour all over.

2. The light is more constant and the change in the sun's position through the day becomes less important and less restrictive.

3. You won't get so hot as when painting in the sunshine.

4. If you're using acrylics your paints will stay wet for longer.

Check out Richard Schmid's website to see someone make great paintings on gray days.


"Lady Isla" - 13x12" - Oil on Canvas by Richard Robinson


Happy Painting! (no matter the weather).
