Richard is a talented full time artist, who loves painting and teaching.

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with Richard Robinson
This stunning songbird perches in the famous Kalalau Valley on the garden island of Kauai. Learn how to make a beautiful background with a large glowing light effect, simple techniques for creating complex detail and every single step of the painting.
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Richard is a talented full time artist, who loves painting and teaching.
Hi I’m Richard. I’ve been painting my whole life and back in 2001 I traded my graphic design career for the humble life of a full time artist. I love painting, and as it turns out, I love teaching too.
Nowadays I balance my life between parenting, painting, surfing, travelling and teaching. My work is regularly featured in international art magazines, in galleries in New Zealand and America, on TV and in my Mum’s house.
I give outdoor painting workshops in interesting spots around this beautiful planet of ours and love encouraging people to paint. Two of my favourite artists are John Singer Sargent and Joaquín Sorolla.
My painting website: www.nzpainter.com
I’d love to be your new teacher.
Richard is a master artist with an exceptional skill in identifying and communicating key factors to making successful paintings. I have found his video workshops an excellent resource for improving my own work.
"Kalalau Opera 2" 16 x 16" Acrylic on Canvas by Richard Robinson.
My mockup created in photoshop from several different photos.
The original photo of the Cardinal kindly supplied by David Leonard. See his nature photography website at www.davidleonardphoto.com
'The Cardinal' 16x16" Oil on Canvas Paper by Eibhlin Ni Dhrisceoil
Colour-wise this certainly has a lighter, cooler feel to it Eibhlin. I'd be interested to know if that was on purpose of it that's just the way it came out. Painting in mainly lighter values is called 'high-key' and you've achieved that in the background though I feel you could have connected the branch to the bird better if you'd use the same depth of darks in the branch as you did in the bird. There's a wee problem with the drawing of the bird's neck on the left that you'll see if you have a closer look at the original photograph. You've cut away some of the neck with the background. That's probably largely due to my own demo painting where I regret making the value of the neck there the same as the background adjacent to it. Hindsight's a wonderful thing. Your bird has an exceptionally pointy hat! It must be for a special occasion. A few things to think about there. Good work!
'Cardinal' 40x40cm Acrylic and Oil on Canvas by Elena Sokolova
Great colour work in here Elena! Nice to see that mauve threaded through the painting which is a great counterpoint to all the warms. I see you’ve glazed that in with oils - a much easier approach that painting it alla prima. Good idea. Your drawing (your personal nemesis) is good all round, all except for the foot on the left which needs some attention. Overall, really good.
'Displaced Cardinal' 12x16" Oil on Paper by Mairo Piroue
Good work Mairo. You've drawn the bird very well and it's form is quite rounded and believable due to your subtle handling of values. Nice to see you stretching yourself and placing him in a different background. I think you're right - the bird could have been bigger in the scene, since that's your centre of interest, but perhaps just cropping the top 3 inches would achieve the same result. There's not much happening in the sky so a small slice of it can say the same thing as a big piece of it. I would have made the dark trees on the left slightly lighter so their darkness didn't compete with the bird's. You've gone a bit grey in the rock shadows, losing some of their local colour. The sharp edges in the landscape behind the bird's crest are competing with it. They could be lowered and softened. The trees are too evening balanced between left and right. See what you think of my quick Photoshop makeover. I haven't touched the bird at all, just the background.
'Displaced Cardinal' 12x16" Oil on Paper by Mairo Piroue - Altered
'Red Crested Cardinal' 16x20" Oil on Canvas by Mark Price
There's some really good work in here Mark with great attention to detail, especially in the head and wing. You've nearly got that glowing effect working, though it could do with a subtler light to dark transition through that big yellow area on the left because that looks a bit flat at the moment. The underneath of body seems to be too light - you could have made it a bit darker which would have made the bird seem rounder.
'Free and Breezy' 9x12" Pastel on Paper by Pam Walker - Altered
'Free and Breezy' 9x12" Pastel on Paper by Pam Walker
Wow this is really captivating, Pam, with all it's energy and colour. Beautiful work! I love a painting like this that looks like the artist had fund doing it, rather than deliberating over it. Great contrast between the detail in the head and the looseness of the rest of the painting. I like how you've abstracted the background while maintaining the overall idea of light to dark. I wondered if you could make more of that idea so I darkened the bottom of the painting a little in Photoshop. See what you think.
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