- Color theory
- Seeing color
- Describing color
- Value
- Mixing color
- Manipulating Color
- Color Harmony
- Light Effects
- and LOTS more!
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with Richard Robinson
I've found in my many years as a painting instructor teaching thousands of artists all over the world, the same basic problems keep revealing themselves in beginner painters...
1. Limited knowledge of painting techniques and processes
2. Limited knowledge of colour mixing and matching
3. Limited knowledge of how light affects form and colour
4. Limited knowledge of how to see like an artist
Not only will you overcome all these basic problems with this painting course, but you'll be able to APPLY your new skills to your own paintings and you'll see a truly wonderful transformation take place in your creations.
I'm often asked to recommend which videos a beginner should start out with from all my painting videos. I believe these are the 4 best for beginners. Here's why:
1. Oil Painting Basics shows you exactly how to get started in oil painting. Includes a colour mixing exercise to help you create your very first oil painting. Enjoy!
Mostly suitable for acrylics as well.
2. Mastering Color teaches you to see and paint color. Color can be a huge stumbling block for beginners. This course puts you on the right track to fast improvement.
Suitable for all mediums.
3. Painting Workshops 2 : 4 Still Life Projects from Life.
The next step is to take all that learning and apply it to some still life practice. There are 4 still life lessons from beginner to intermediate level to help develop your skills.
Suitable for Oils, Acrylics and some Watercolour.
4. Painting Workshops 1: 4 Landscape Projects from Photographs
Now we start looking at the beautiful world around us and I explain step by step how you can start expressing it on canvas. A big part of that is understanding why things look like they do, then there's learning how to paint it the way you see it, and then taking it to the next level - making art that is beautiful in its own right, not just a copy of what you see.
Suitable for Oils, Acrylics and some Watercolour.
I still remember my first paintings on canvas, how exciting and wonderful it was but also how frustrating it was because I knew how I wanted my paintings to look (by being inspired by great artist's work) but I didn't know how to get there, what were the rules, how could I mix that colour, how could they make it look so real yet so much more expressive than any photograph???
I wish I'd had someone to show me the ropes when I was starting out, but I had to struggle through by myself. Now I hope I can help you by showing you all the pitfalls to avoid like muddy colour, poor drawing and composition, lack of variety and unity to name just a few, and to help you put your feet on the path to painting freely with deep knowledge, expression and passion.
I do hope you'll join me.
Happy painting!
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Richard is a talented full time artist, who loves painting and teaching.
Hi I’m Richard. I’ve been painting my whole life and back in 2001 I traded my graphic design career for the humble life of a full time artist. I love painting, and as it turns out, I love teaching too.
Nowadays I balance my life between parenting, painting, surfing, travelling and teaching. My work is regularly featured in international art magazines, in galleries in New Zealand and America, on TV and in my Mum’s house.
I give outdoor painting workshops in interesting spots around this beautiful planet of ours and love encouraging people to paint. Two of my favourite artists are John Singer Sargent and Joaquín Sorolla.
My painting website: www.nzpainter.com
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When you purchase a DVD you also get online access to the same lesson, including any lesson resources like photos, downloadable notes and access to upload your painting to the student gallery.
That's why you need to make a password when you purchase a DVD, so you can access the online content as well. Enjoy!